Angels in the Bible

Question: What are all the angels (and passages about them) from the Book of Ezekiel?


When reading about angels from various books in the Bible, it becomes clear (IMO), that they take many physical forms; from human in appearance, to shapes akin to wheels!

This has led me personally to treat them as described in each case, and see that they have a “service” function for Almighty God; or His adversary Satan!

This has led me to accept, that there are good and bad angels, and that that is their main function is as servants to God alone; or, as “Fallen Angels”, to Satan, the Adversary of Man and God!

This conclusion is confirmed for me by the many instances shown in God’s Word; but particularly when an Angel has refused worship from a human with the words shown in Rev. 22:9!

A word of warning here.  There is at present, too much searching by humans for angelic contact and empowering; which is not good, and will lead to destruction and death in the clutches of Satan, and Satanic control in this life!  Such searching should be for relating with Christ Jesus Messiah and His Father Almighty God; and the forgiveness of their sinful life; which leads to “Eternal Life” in the Body and Presence of Christ Jesus!

See: Angels in Human form on Earth !  (Study)


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